How many times are we all approached by this or that organization wanting a donation? A day rarely goes by that I don't get several emails, phone calls, or letters asking for a donation. Most of them are for good causes; however,if you are generous enough to send something, they always seem to double their efforts in persuading you to donate more.
I can't remember how I got started receiving the calander from Ron Mamot of the Saint Stephens Indian Mission. I think a friend had me put on the list by making a small donation. And with that small donation, I've been receiving quarterly newsletters filled with beautiful photography taken mostly on the Arapaho and Shoshone Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. When I see that envelope come in the mail, it makes my day. No hardshell here. I encourage you to think about the Saint Stephens Indian Mission Foundation the next time you open your checkbook. Below is a greeting Ron wrote in the 2007 calandar:
It doesn't take special talent or mystical powers to see God in the world around us. What it does take - and the one thing many of us don't have - is the time to truly enjoy the world of nature. Life's demands of our energy and talents often keep our noses to the grindstone with little time to relax.
Perhaps that is why our loving and caring Creator set up our beautiful world to cycle each year. Nature's cycle - never quite the same from year-to-year - offers us thrilling and wonderful new sights, sounds and smells to renew and enkindle within us a rejuvenated spirit. In addition, the changing seasons also give us a chance to observe a part of nature we may have missed the previous year.
As we work through another year, we pray that your life might be filled with happiness and rewards for your endeavors. We also pray that you have the chance to relax and enjoy the beautiful world in which we live.
Ron Mamot & Staff
Contacting Saint Stephens Foundation:
Saint Stephens Indian Mission Foundation, Inc.
The Wind River Reservation
P.O. Box 278
St Stephens, Wyoming 82524-9989
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