Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Lost Horse in the Scapegoat Wilderness

LOST: 4 Year Old Dark Sorrel Gelding
Markings: small white star on forehead and one white sock on rear foot.

The horse, "Chance", was lost October 18th while on a hunting trip in the Bob Marshall Wilderness; he was last seen 9 mi up the north fork of the Blackfork, near the south end of Lake Otatsi which is out of the Ovando Trailhead. His tracks led to the trailhead, but he hasn't been seen since.

He broke his halter while tied, but was wearing the following equipment:
  • Dark brown older saddle with tan padded seat
  • Green horn bag
  • Leather rifle scabbard
  • Leather Saddlebags containing a blue/gray wool shirt, orange poncho & orange knit hat
  • Headstall & reins (tied up on saddle)
Please keep your eyes and ears out for this horse - he may still be lost or may have been picked up by someone at the trailhead. If you have any news, please call Outfitters Supply toll-free at 1-888-467-2256.

1 comment:

novawhip said...

If someone has found Chance could they please let me know to tell the owners. They would rather know he is safe with someone else than think he is out there starving or attacked by a bear.
